Doctoral research grants and postdoctoral contracts


Doctoral grants and post-doctoral contracts 2024-2025

Every year, the musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac offers doctoral grants and post-doctoral contracts to help develop original and innovative research projects.

The disciplines concerned are: anthropology, archaeology, ethnomusicology, history, art history and sociology. Key areas of research include the arts, technology, non-European cultures and tangible and intangible heritage, and museums and their collections.

The Research and Teaching Department's research priorities are as follows:

  • Diversity of aesthetics and forms of creativity
  • Museums, heritage, cultures and identities
  • Colonial heritage: reappropriation, claims, sharing.

Applicants must specify how their project will fit into the environment of the musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac (collections, archives, media library, scientific community).

Applicants must be academically proficient, both orally and in writing, in French and English. There is no nationality requirement.

Doctoral grants

Four doctoral scholarships are intended to support doctoral students enrolled in at least their third year for the 2023-2024 academic year, at a French or foreign university. These grants are intended to help students write their final thesis and are not intended to fund fieldwork or archival research. Particular consideration will be given to projects that fall within one of the Research and Teaching Department's priority research areas.

Doctoral grants are awarded for a non-renewable period of 12 months, from 1 September to 31 August. In 2024, they will amount to 1400 euros net per month. They are awarded after assessment of the applications by the musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac Selection Committee.

Post-doctoral contracts

This year, the musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac is offering two post-doctoral contracts to young PhDs to develop their work. It is recommended that the research projects fall within one of the Research and Teaching Department's priority research areas. Successful applicants are expected to participate in the museum's activities, and to make an effective contribution to the collective work around the research priorities.

Successful candidates will be eligible for a funded field trip of up to 30 days (for research outside mainland France).

These postdoctoral contracts are awarded for a non-renewable period of 24 months, from 1 September to 31 August; in 2024 they will be worth €2,547 gross per month (€30,564 per annum) in the form of a full-time fixed-term contract.

They will be awarded after assessment of the applications and interviews with the candidates selected by the musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac selection committee.

Candidates may apply for this contract up to three years after their thesis has been defended (in accordance with article L412-4 of the Research Code establishing a new system for post-doctoral contracts), i.e. for theses defended after 1 September 2021. The thesis must be defended before the post is taken up.


Successful candidates (doctoral and post-doctoral students) will be hosted by the Research and Teaching Department. Their presence on the museum site is required (there are no part-time arrangements).

During the course of the year, the doctoral and post-doctoral students selected will present the progress of their work at the Research and Teaching Department's internal seminar, in the form of a thesis chapter for doctoral students and an article intended for publication for post-doctoral students. Participation in this seminar is compulsory.

2024 - 2025

Doctoral grant

  • Bijoux et costumes Berbères en Algérie coloniale.
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  • Les Sens du sacré : indexicalité politique et stéréotypisations des discours mayas-q’eqchi’ sur les « lieux sacrés » du Petén au Guatemala.
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  • Antoine DURANTON
  • Histoire.
  • Entre ciel et terre : la colonisation agricole des Antilles et de la Nouvelle-Espagne (1492-1598).
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  • Francesca FANCIULLI
  • Le geste et le genre : le façonnage du corps sexué en pays baoulé.
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Postdoctoral grant

  • Domitille BLANCO
  • Anthropologie, Sociologie.
  • Les photographies de famille des rescapés du génocide des Tutsi : de leur destruction à leur circulation dans ou hors de la parenté (au Rwanda et en diaspora).
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  • Coline DESQ
  • Anthropologie.
  • Matérialité de la sorcellerie et de la contre-sorcellerie en pays éwé (Sud-Ouest du Togo). Grigris, contre-sorcellerie vodu et leur patrimonialisation.
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  • Art de la côte nord-ouest du Canada, Anthropologie de l'art.
  • « Je plie mais ne romps pas ». Le pliage du bois dans les cultures de la côte nord-ouest, histoire et ethnographie d’une singularité et d’une redécouverte.
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  • Anthropologie.
  • Nagoulan – Itinéraires d’un saint musulman indien dans les hindouismes des Antilles et des Mascareignes. Savoirs rituels, esthétiques et iconographies dévotionnelles (XIXe-XXIe siècles).
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  • Zihan LI
  • Anthropologie.
  • Des papiers artisanaux à la numérisation : transformation du format des manuscrits naxi en circulation.
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