The event “Worlds of the Neolithic Period” seeks to examine Neolithisation in other regions of the world through the screening of a film as well as series of round table tables and conferences.
Conference in person and live and on replay on the museum's YouTube channel.
The Neolithic Revolution is without a doubt one of the major events of human history. For a long time, typical representations of the Neolithic Period only showed it as being confined to Western Europe and the Middle East. However, in at least five or six different independent areas in the world, animal and plant species were domesticated, allowing for the management of food resources as well as the settling of human communities. The event “Worlds of the Neolithic Period” seeks to examine Neolithisation in other regions of the world through the screening of a film as well as series of round table tables and conferences.
Welcome by Dominique Garcia and Philippe Charlier
The Neolithic Period in the collections of the musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac.
Philippe Charlier, musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac
From the Revolution to the Neolithic Transition
Jean Guilaine
11am – 12.30pm
Opening remarks and discussions by Jean Paul Demoule, University Paris 1
A Neolithic Period without Livestock Farming from the borders of China to South-East Asia.
Stéphane Frère, Inrap
From Plant Domestication to Agriculture in South-West Amazonia
Umberto Lombardo, University of Bern
Sedentary Living, Pottery and Farming: the Endless Neolithic Period in Amazonia
Stephen Rostain, CNRS
12.30pm – 2pm Break
2pm – 3pm
Neolithisation in Pre-Columbian Populations of the West Indies: what can seashells tell us?Nathalie Serrand, Inrap
The Neolithic Period and the Anthropocene Epoch: an overview
Muriel Gandelin, Inrap
3pm – 5.30pm
Screening of the documentary Ethiopia: The Mystery of Phallic Stones followed by a discussion led by Philippe Charlier with Jessie Cauliez, CNRS, Alain Tixier, Director, and Jean-Paul Cros, doctor and anthropologist.
5.30pm Conclusions
- Place: Théâtre Claude Lévi-Strauss
The Wednesday 01 December 2021 from 09:30 to 18:30 -
- Handicap visuel
- Handicap moteur
- Public: Researcher, student
- Categorie : Symposia
Free entry (subject to available places)Gratuit (dans la limite des places disponibles)
Free (reservation required)Gratuit sur réservation