The 12 Sep 2024

Authenticity put to the test

The aim of these study days is to open up a multidisciplinary and comparative dialogue on the uses of the notion of authenticity in the social sciences and humanities.

The aim is not to establish a method for ferreting out forgeries, unmasking forgers or shedding light on the invented traditions that populate our social world. Rather, it is to examine what the ‘hunt for the authentic’ does to the analytical frameworks of the fields in which evidence is used, including those of disciplines as varied as history, art history, anthropology and archaeology. We will then attempt to understand how the quest for authenticity guides the practices and discourses of social actors: what issues of legitimacy, power relations and practices of sociability does it mobilise? Finally, as a counterpoint, we will ask whether there are spaces where authenticity is not an operative category.

The two study days will take place on :

  • 12 September at the Musée du Quai Branly-Jacques Chirac and
  • 13 September at the Centre des Colloques on the Campus Condorcet.

Image: Detail of an art dealer's stall at the Kermel market in Dakar, July 2022. Copyright: Anaïs Auger-Mathurin

  • Scientific committee

    • Isabel Yaya McKenzie, EHESS (LAS)
    • Cécile Guillaume-Pey, CNRS (CESAH)
    • Emanuela Canghiari, musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac


    • Anna Gianotti Laban, department of Research and Education, musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac
  • Place:   Salle de cinéma
  • TimeSlots:
    The Thursday 12 September 2024 from 09:30 to 18:30
  • Public:   Researcher, student
  • Categorie : Conferences
  • Free entry (subject to available places)
    Gratuit (dans la limite des places disponibles)