The 29 Jan 2023


Gwoka - Guadeloupe

Started by drummer and percussionist Sonny Troupé, the Guadeloupean "super-group" Nouvo Lokans transcends generations and breaks with traditional gwoka codes.

Nouvo Lokans brings together the younger generation of Guadeloupean musicians (Sonny Troupé, Arnaud Dolmen, Sylvain Joseph) with iconic "elders" Christian Laviso and Mano Falla.

Together, they revisit the tradition of Gwo ka, a Guadeloupean music with its origins in the perpetuation of African music by slaves on the old plantations, and now listed by Unesco as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Around the ka (the traditional percussion), and the powerful voices of Zagalo and Jean-Pierre Coquerel, a free and explosive jazz is unleashed, supporting trance, sometimes touching on free music, insinuating itself into the meanders of an ever freer and more modern Gwo ka.



    Sonny Troupé, drums, ka, backing vocals
    Arnaud Dolmen, drums, ka, backing vocals
    Christian Laviso, guitar, backing vocals
    Zagalo, vocals
    Jony Lerond, vocals
    Jean-Pierre Coquerel, vocals
    Sylvain Joseph, saxophone, backing vocals
    Mano Falla, bass, backing vocals

  • Duration:  01:30
  • Place:   Théâtre Claude Lévi-Strauss
  • TimeSlots:
    The Sunday 29 January 2023 at 17:00
  • Accessibility:
    • Handicap moteur
  • Public:   All publics
  • Categorie : Concerts
  • Concert ticket
    On the day of the concert, your ticket gives you access to the museum's permanent collections and exhibitions in the mezzanines.

    Click here to see all rates
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Around the event

Guided tours, workshops, concerts, etc.
all activities organized as part of the event

Around the event

As part of the Festival Sons d'Hiver

With the support of Onda - Office national de diffusion artistique

  • Rectangle blanc
  • Onda