14 Nov 2023 26 May 2024

Shamanic Visions

Ayahuasca arts in the peruvian amazon

The exhibition explores contemporary issues linked to the relationship between hallucinogenic images and iconographic production, using ayahuasca as a case study.

While ayahuasca literally ‘vine of the dead’ in Quechua has fascinated the Western world for just half a century, after it was popularised by the Beat Generation, this hallucinogenic beverage occupies a central place in the social life of many indigenous societies in the Western Amazon.

Traditionally ingested in a shamanic context, mainly for therapeutic or divination purposes, this ‘psychedelic’ substance is also closely linked to artistic creation. The ‘visions’ or hallucinations it induces are often cited as a leading source of inspiration by indigenous artists in the Peruvian Amazon.

The exhibition presents a panorama of the different ways in which these ayahuasca-induced ‘visionary images’ are represented today. From the refined, geometric iconography of the Shipibos-Konibos to the literary (William S. Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg) and audiovisual (Jan Kounen) productions of the 20th and 21st centuries, it offers a veritable dive into art under its influence.

Visitor tools

Visitor tools are available to download:

Devices for people with disabilities

  • Seule la réservation d’un créneau horaire dédié garantit l’accès.


    David Dupuis, Doctor of Anthropology, Research Fellow at INSERM (IRIS/EHESS)

    Assistant to the curator Élise Grandgeorge, art historian researcher


    Studio Bloomer

  • Duration:  08:37
  • Place:   Mezzanine est
  • TimeSlots:  
    From Tuesday 14 November 2023 at Sunday 26 May 2024
  • Closed on monday
    Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday:  10:30 am-07:00 pm
  • Accessibility:
    • Handicap visuel
    • LSF
    • Handicap auditif (sans T)
    • Handicap auditif bim (T)
    • Handicap mental
    • Handicap moteur
  • Public:   All publics
  • Categorie : Exhibitions
  • Museum ticket entrance
    Full price:  14,00 €
    Reduce rate:  11,00 €

    Click here to see all rates

Around the event

Guided tours, workshops, concerts, etc.
all activities organized as part of the event

Around the event

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