Next stop New Zealand, on the trail of jade, the sacred stone of the Maori. An object of fascination and a delicate material used in ancestral art, this stone believed to have magical virtues remains closely tied to the stories and legends of the Maori people.
About the exhibition
Found only in the south-west of the archipelago, in a protected territory bordered by glaciers and fjords, the green gold of New Zealand, jade (pounamu in the Māori language), bathes in the rivers of the Te Waipounamu ("the Water(s) of Greenstone") region from which it takes its name. A noble material, a symbol of strength and an object of fascination, this prestigious stone, elevated to the status of treasure, is at the heart of many beliefs, stories and legends of the Maori people.
The exhibition, designed by the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa in Wellington, showcases the rich collections of jade housed at this museum. Spanning several centuries, it presents sculptures and small objects carved in this precious mineral invested with magical powers. Almost two hundred rare taonga (treasures) – including a rich collection of hei tiki pendants – sit alongside equally precious everyday objects. All of these channel the mana of their possessor, a supernatural force inherited from the divinities or ancient spirits and carefully passed down from generation to generation.
This exhibition was developed and presented by the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa and the Māori Ngāi Tahu iwi.
Pictures and videos are exceptionally forbiden, by request of the Māori Ngāi Tahu iwi.
- Dougal Austin, Curator Taonga Tuturu 19-20th Century, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
- Place: Mezzanine est
From Tuesday 23 May 2017 at Sunday 01 October 2017 -
Closed on mondayMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: 10:30 am-07:00 pmThursday: 10:30 am-10:00 pm
- Public: All publics
- Categorie : Exhibitions